Saturday, September 3, 2011

Nacho Cheese on my French Fries: Ketchup-ing on my Blog

So I'm dyin' for a camera chord here............

I will tell you about the festival and the rest of Seoul when i FINALLY get my camera chord.....

Anywho, here are the best moments so far:

1. The only taco bell I know of is in Seoul. It's weird. They blast "American" music which is usually Lil' Wayne or another "Lil" someone. I got nacho cheese on my french fries at T-hell. Amazing. The burrito had cooked vegetables in it. Bye for Korea trying to make Taco Bell healthy for you.

2. Apparently there is a difference between Japanese "J-pop" music and Korean "K-pop" music.....who knew? AND there are two completely different sets of Japanese characters! Just try reading Japanese karaoke subtitles. Videos later!!

3.  There's a show here called "My Man Can". The women are all dressed in identical ridiculously stereotypical helpless Asian woman costumes while their boyfriends or husbands try and complete manly tasks for points and Korea....way to market the gender role. They can sell anything!

4. I was walking home from work last week around 10 30 pm. The neighborhood is tucked away about 10 mins from the metro station. It was unusually quiet, seeing as I am likely to find children running the streets and old people speed-walking at night. They're all night-owls here it seems like, myself included. I was trying to get home fast because honestly I was kinda spooked by how quiet it was. Then I hear  a "FUCK" and a "SHIT" and then some loud laughs. I was surprised by the sudden English my brain recognized. Then I heard some laughing and then more curse words. I saw two teenage boys joking and staring right at me. I figured they wanted attention. I smirked and threw up a peace sign. They cheered....gotta love the celeb status.

5. The guy at the "vinyl cocktail" place knows my face (its pretty easy to see me coming down the street here...hey black card) and my favorite drink. He even gave me a discount and frequent buyers reward card...yup....I live here now.

6. I tried octopus pizza. It tasted sweet and chewy. Not bad. To go with it I had rice wine called "Maggoli". It's pronounced "Muh-call-eee". Is it bad that I remember how to say it because it sounds just like the name Macaulay Culkin from Home Alone?? Got a twinge of homesickness there. It comes in various flavors. As with any drink here, you order it by the pot, family style. I drank it out of a tin soup cup. I kinda felt like a refugee. but it was DANK.  : )  After a pot of that stuff I was quoting Biggie Smalls with a Korean guy in a polo with a popped collar (thats in style to do here). Yup....How Seth got his black card back.

7. (this number is lucky here too and because of that, it's usually the number of people in a K-pop group.) I went shopping for the basics recently and heard some rap music I knew. In fact, I knew it so well. I got a flashback from middle school. It was an EXTREMELY DIRTY LUDACRIS SONG blasting over the loudspeakers in the store...I laughed out loud and thought to me self  "self....they don't even know what this means!!" needless to say I have returned to that store many times in hopes of hearing another oldy-but-goody I recognize to give me a flashback while I amble through aisle 5 just past the 50 pound bags of rice.

Anyway, thus is the number for wholeness, so I'll stop at seven. Still to come: pictures of my shanannigans. I have a running list of things to mention I can never seem to nacho............I mean ketchup......on my blog.

Do-mahnyyo!! See you again!!


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